Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Impact of New Song

by Tim Swanson
After we released New Song, we were all surprised by its success. The first encouragement was the overwhelming support from Moon Valley Bible's own congregation at the night of worship when we first released it. Then we couldn't keep it in stock and it sold out twice in the first week.
After that stories of our music impacting people's lives began turning up all over the place. One young lady told me how her father bought the album at the release, went home and dusted off his old guitar to play along. Then he listened to the CD during his drive to work for an entire week. She told me that her typically unemotive father had even been moved to tears as he listened. Since then God has continued to use our music to break down barriers in people's lives. He is using our music to foster head-heart connections in people. This is a big win.
Our praise teams have had opportunities to go lead worship with our music at other churches, which have turned into regular gigs for the bands.
God had higher plans for our music than any of us had imagined. We were all completely surprised.
Consequently,  the Songwriter's circle  had a spike in attendance. And as success seems to breed success, the songwriters have all been having really great inspiration. So, as long as there's wind in the sails, we might as well go somewhere. We have already set our course to complete another worship project. It's going to be called 'Heritage'. It will be a compilation of revitalized hymns, and we will be releasing it in September or October.
As we continue to write for this project, we pray, and hope you will pray with us, that God will continue to use our music build an understanding of His love in people.

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