Caleb's Men: Teaching Men Biblical Masculinity for 15 Years

"The truth is found when men are free to pursue it" - Frankin D. Roosevelt 

I met Caleb's Men founder, Bradley Reith, in 2005. Here's my story.

What is Caleb's Men?
Caleb's Men was started 1998 by a pastor from Ohio named Bradley Reith. He had the simple vision of building a ministry that reached out to men who have walked away from the church or have no relationship with Jesus at all. 

In reaching out to these men, we believe we can change the staggering statistics of divorce (aboit 50% of all marriages), and fatherlessness (%40 of children born today). 

In 2005, Caleb's Men began it's first chapter in Arizona. Since then, more than 80 men have graduated from CM, and are part of the CM brotherhood.

Who is Caleb's Men for?
Caleb's Men is designed for the demographic of men who are least likely to attend a church, or have a meaningful relationship with Jesus. For that reason it attracts men ages 18-35 who come from all different walks of life. 

However, CM isn't for every man. The nature of our gatherings attracts the type of guys who like to watch and play tackle football. For that reason we watch some men say no to Caleb's Men every year. We're okay with that. We also recognize that CM isn't the only path to biblical masculinity and a strong relationship with Jesus. 

How does Caleb's Men work?
For a man to complete the CM program, he begins by joining a 16 week season. During that season he'll attend a CM meeting for a couple hours one night a week. Each meeting focuses on a different attribute necessary for masculinity. These are a few topics that are covered during the season:

- The importance of the Bible
- The person and works of Jesus Christ
- Honor & Integrity
- Being a Father and Husband
- Battling Pornography 
- Open and closed handed theology (a basic theology course)

During the season, the CM leadership team focus on bringing in experienced pastors and teachers who can speak with great authority about these topics.

How can men join Caleb's Men?
Typically men are given the chance to join with they receive an invitation letter from a graduated alumni of CM. However, we invite any man who meets our basic requirements to apply. You can access the application by clicking here.


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