Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Extravagant Love In The Midst Of Unimaginable Pain

They said you have to take your kids to castle park, while you're here. It's the coolest place. And they were right. 

When they say castle, they're not talking about some 8x10 Costco playhouse made of reclaimed plastic. The park has a legitimate castle, complete with bridge, port cullus, knights, wizards, and life size dragons (if dragons were real... and the size of the one in the photo below). Even though Castle Park goes a long way towards bringing to life the fantasy of every kid, what's truly amazing is the story of how the park came to be.

When you think about Dungeons and Dragons, the image that comes to mind typically isn't of the most popular kid in school. Even if you were into D&D. But that didn't deter Jeremy "Boo" Rachmen from loving the fantasy based role playing game. His room was filled with drawings and painted figures of wizards, knights, and dragons. Called Boo by his friends, Jeremy loved and lived the mystical world of medieval fantasy. 

On August 22nd, 1993, just a few hundred feet from his house, Jeremy was in a car crash that took his life. After the accident, Jeremy's dad bought 3.5 acres across the road from their house to build a memorial park for his boy. He hired local artists and sculptors to design and build the park. They used Jeremy's drawings and painted figures to recreate his fantasy world. 
Castle Park is located in Carbondale, IL It's across the road
from the house where Jeremy's family still lives.

Yesterday, I took my kids to Castle Park, and watched them live in Jeremy's imaginary world. Silas (20 months) and Scarlett (9yrs) spent a couple hours, with their cousins, exploring the castle's halls, bridges and hidden passages.
Life sized dragon

As I watched the unbridled joy on their faces, I thought about Jeremy's family, and their selflessness in the midst of unimaginable pain. Truly, if their is a picture of how God uses painful situations to the benefit of those He loves, this is it. This is extravagant love.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who live him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Question: What would be the best way for your family and friends to memorialize your life? 

You can leave your answer or thoughts in the comment section below.


  1. More than anything I want my kids to memorialize my life by living theirs for God and their family. There's not much more important to me than that.

    Oh, and avenging my death.

    1. Agreed. Having your children grow up to become godly adults is the most significant mark of success a man can have. And I'll avenge your death... unless I'm somehow involved in your death.

  2. Love God. Love Others. Do those things in all the forms they can take, boldly, without hesitation, and self-sacrificially. That's it. If I could plan my final words, they would be "Love God. Love Others."

    1. Good to know. As your son, I have put some thought into how I will eulogize you some day. I learned a lot from watching you do Grandpa's eulogy. Needless to say, the gospel will play no small part in memorializing you. Thanks Dad.
