Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The crotch in my jeans ripped this morning, at church. Here's why I'm happy.

This morning I walked into my office, ready for a really productive day. Then I bent over to plug my laptop in, and heard a loud tare. Of course I was wearing my favorite jeans.

At that point there was a temptation for me to give into pessimism and say, "The world is out to get me today." Then I'd started making a big deal out of every other little thing that goes wrong all day. But I hate having days like that. They're no fun.

Instead, I think I'm going to laugh this one off, and look at the bright side of things. So here are my reasons to be optimistic for ripping the crotch in my favorite pair of jeans.

1. I got to post a huge picture of the crotch of my jeans at the top of this blog post.

2. I'm going to get new jeans. score.

3. This one sounds kind of girly, and I'm a little embarrassed to admit it. But now I get to go on Pinterest to see what kind creative stuff I can do with denim.

4. I asked my wife to bring me another pair of jeans, and I got to see her in the middle of my workday.

5. I got an opportunity to respond well to something that would typically stress me out.

6. I'm reminded Jesus is my foundation, and my clothes don't actually provide any security. 

Life is too short for bad days.


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