Tuesday, April 1, 2014

[Quote] I'm rethinking my life plan after reading this one

Photo courtesy of EmanueleED at Flickr.com
"If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much." 
 - Jim Rohn

Isn't Christianity counter-intuitive? While the rest of the world is saying take what you want, we're saying more of Jesus and less of me. We're looking to die to ourselves. More of God's will and less of ours! Can I get a Hallelujah?
However, contrary to some mainstream Christian thinkers, pursuing God's will doesn't mean neglecting future planning. It's important to make plans if you're going to accomplish great things. And you are called to accomplish great things. This is where the pessimist would say How can you know what I'm called to accomplish. You don't even know me. If you think I'm wrong, I won't argue with you. If you don't think you're called to accomplish great things, you're probably right. 

If, on the other hand, you're listening for God's voice and saying here am I (Isaiah 6:8), then you'd better make plans, and big ones. And then hold them out with open hands, ready for God to do His will (James 4:13-17), which will be better than yours. 

There are a lot of Christians who know this, yet still avoid planning for the future. They hem and haw when people ask about their plans. They'll admit that planning for the future is important, but they still don't do it. I've been there - I'm still there in many ways. I've started planning for my future, but the plan is cloudy with lots of holes. And I'm alright with that, for now. The truth is, I'll always be refining and reshaping my life plans. 

When I first read this Jim Rohn quote it felt like a secular ideal. But the reality is, this quote hits the nail on the head for me and a lot of Christ followers. If I'm being honest, the reason I haven't made bigger, more ostentatious plans for my future is because I'm scared. Scared of rejection and failure. 

If you're experience is anything like mine, here's what's helped me step out of insecurity, make bold plans, and hold them loosely for God to do what He will. 

I got a great ebook called Creating Your Personal Life Plan by Michael Hyatt. And there's another one just for worship leaders that has helped me called Beyond Sunday: A Step By Step Guide To Creating And Sustaining A Vision For Your Worship Team by David Santistevan. Both ebooks are free to you when you click the above links. 

I got the above quote from brainy quote. I like cruising that site for inspiring quotes. If it was helpful to you, you can read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_motivational.html#1MJHU2CqTXwLtI6R.99


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