Friday, April 4, 2014

I'm revealing my dirty secret [Upcoming]

We all have skeletons in our closets. Some of us have big, hairy, thick boned skeletons. Other's have little, white, dainty skeletons. But we all have them.

Photo courtesy of Canned Muffins at

I have have a skeleton of my own. I've carried it with me most of my life, and it's cost me a lot. I think about it every single day. And on Monday, I am going to tell you what it is. I have three good reasons for doing this. The first one is plain and simple, God tells us to confess to one another (James 5:16).

Secondly, it's because of a quote that has been in my head for the last five years: 
"Dread is simply the knowledge of what you must do to prove that you are free, even it it will destroy you."*
Do you know the incredibly freeing feeling of letting your secrets out in the open by telling someone else? It's so freeing that we call it getting it off your chest, as if you're literally taking a weight off your chest. While I know that sharing my secret might cost me my reputation, even my whole platform, I know that it will be freeing for me and hopefully for you too.

Thirdly, I got the courage to share my secret after hearing another man share his. It seems like that kind of honesty is contagious. My prayer is that, inasmuch as I'm honest with others, they will fell compelled to take whatever steps they need to, in order to be free.

Now I'm off to do some writing. Talk to you Monday! :)

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*I heard the above quote from close friend five years ago. He attributed it to philosopher Soren Kierkegaard. While I have been unable to find sources to confirm it, I consider him to be a reputable and trustworthy source.


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