Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's the world's most absurd weight loss surgery, and I'm getting it!

You know that feeling you get when you find a lump? Then you immediately think it's cancer. I'm gonna die. That's what happened to me about 10 years ago. My friend, who is a massage therapist, found a lump on my lower back and was concerned.

Photo courtesy of Luca Rossato at
When I showed the lump to a doctor, he said, "It's probably just a lipoma, which is a fatty tumor. They're relatively low risk. I wouldn't worry about it." So I didn't. Then a few months later another one popped up. Then another and another. Eventually, I had enough lumps that I had to count them.

Today I have somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty of these tumors all over my body. They range in size from as small as a dime to as large as a lemon or a baseball. Gross right? And a number of them have started causing me significant pain. 

Lipomas are not abnormal. In fact, when I tell people about mine lots of them will show me that they have one or two. My surgeon told me that there's no disease or condition related to getting them. Some people just get them, And some people, like me, get lots of them. 

So this Wednesday, I'm going in to have the doctor remove as many as he can, in one swift 3 hour surgery. The down side is that, after this, I'm going to have scars all over my body. The up side is, it'll be a quick, all-be-it absurd, way to lose a few pounds. So if you're the praying type, please pray for me.

While I'm recuperating, you can look forward to a couple upcoming posts that I have lined up, including a guest post from my good friend and worship leader Tony Smith, on raising girls. He has three daughters, and a lot of great insight on raising them.

Question: I have 60 tumors, the average size is about an inch across. How many pounds do you think I'll lose during my surgery?

I'd love to know your answer. You can leave it in the comment section below. 


  1. Hey Tim, definitely praying for you, your family, and the doctors! I hope you have a very speedy recovery!

  2. I will be there to see you, Allison, and the kids through this. Your family's got your back (pun intended), but even more importantly, so does the Lord!

    1. Thank you for being there Dad. It meant a lot to Allison and I
