Thursday, March 6, 2014

51 Ways to Say 'No'

Over-committed. It seems to be the one thing everyone has in common. We all have so much on our plates that we feel like we can't get anything done. We all know it's a problem, but we're apparently powerless to do anything about it. Or are we?

As you're already too aware, the issue of over-commitment comes from an over-abundance of saying 'yes' and not enough saying 'no'. We all know we need to make more checks in the 'no' column, it's just a matter of getting that two letter word to leave our lips. 

Most people are afraid of looking like a jerk for giving a negative response. But as with most things, it's all in how you say it. Some of these 'no' statements may sound harsh, but there is a respectful and genuine way to say each one. As you work to balance your workload, give one or two of these a test run. You won't be disappointed.

1. No.
2. Nah.
3. Nope.
4. I can't.
5. I won't.
6. No way.
7. I'm sorry, but no. 
8. Not right now.
9. The answer is no.
10. Now is not a good time.
11. I'm not considering any new opportunities right now.
12. Unfortunately, I'm not available for that right now.
13. I'm sorry, but I can't.
14. Not at this time.
15. I'm just not willing to do that.
16. That's not an option right now.
17. I'm already in over my head.
18. I'm afraid I won't even consider it.
19. I'm unavailable for that right now.
20. My schedule is completely booked
21. Right now isn't a good time for me.
22. I'm not taking on any new responsibilities right now.
23. Sorry, but I'm committed to something already.
24. This isn't a good time. 
25. No, but ask me again in a few months.
26. I won't be taking on anything extra right now.
27. Sorry, I'm entirely booked up right now.
28. My schedule won't allow for any new responsibilities right now. 
29. I'm sorry, but I'm just not taking any new commitments right now.
30. Now's not good, but let's connect again about this later.
31. I just can't do that right now.
32. I won't even consider it.
33. I'm already over-committed. So I'm sorry, but no.
34. No ma'am.
35. I have to focus on other things right now.
36. No sir.
37. I'm not willing to do that.
38. I have to say no.
39. I'm going to have to give you a no on that one.
40. I won't even discuss that right now.
41. I'm not open to any new opportunities right now. 
42. I'm focusing on other things right now. 
43. Maybe another time.
44. That's just not in my scope at this time.
45. I have to say no. 
46. All my time is accounted for right now. 
47. Unfortunately, I'm not even considering new commitments at this time.
48. That's not the type of thing I'd be interested in.
49. I have too much on my plate as it is. 
50. Let's reconnect about that in a few weeks.
51. Nuh-uh. 

So, which one of these would be most your style? Leave a comment below.
Cover photo courtesy of sboneham at


  1. I think it is better to say no up front then to lead people on. Saying no is setting bounderies and knowing what is right for you and what is not. I agree that there is good way to do it.

    1. Crystal, you're totally right. As someone who's led people on before, I know how damaging it can be to my relationships and projects. It is way better to just say no, and set a boundary.
