Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Roselinde Torres' Inspiring Leadership TED Talk

Would it surprise you to find out that nearly half of struggling organizations cite issues with leadership as one of their main hindrances to growth? Well, they do. Even in our culture, saturated with leadership resources, there is an alarming lack people who are effectively moving other people to action. How can that be?

In this brief TED Talk, Roselinde Torres debunks some of the standing leadership ideals that aren't working anymore. She also shares three questions that are essential for determining the quality of a leader today.

You can watch the video by clicking on it below.

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In our 21st century culture, the three questions that we all need to consider are:

1. Where are you looking to anticipate change? 
Torres says the answer to this question is on your calendar. By her estimates, the best leaders' practices are informed more by the people they spend time with, than they are by the leadership inventory tests that they're taking.

2. What is the diversity measure of your network?
The wording on this one was a little funky for me. But as Torres explains, this is really about how well you get along with people who are not like you. You may not be an extrovert who is charged up by interactions with other people, but are you finding more reasons to get along with new people than not?

3. Are you courageous enough to abandon the past?
This is one of my favorite leadership questions of all time. The things that are working for us today may not be the things that work tomorrow. Great leaders don't keep sacred cows. They're able to assess the functionality of their habits and cut things, even meaningful things, in order to make progress. Are you doing things that are no longer working? What can you cut out today?

And if you get nothing else from her talk, remember this brilliant quote. Because this is what you're called to as a leader.
"Great leaders are not heads down. They see around corners; shaping their future, not just reacting to it."

Here's the burning questions: Which one of the three questions above is the most convicting for you?


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