Sunday, July 20, 2014

How my wife told me she's pregnant & my VERY honest response [Video]

One of my greatest mentors once said, "If God wants something to happen in your life, there's nothing you can do to stop it." And I have found that to be true, especially when it comes to the number of kids I have.

Allison and I had been talking about having another baby for a while. We were pretty much resolved to stick with the three kids we already have. In fact, I had even gotten a referral to a urologist to get snipped.

Then, a few weeks ago, we had a little 'accident'. And it seemed like there was a possibility that Allison could be pregnant. But we didn't think too much of it. After all, it was just one little slip up. We talked, jokingly, about what life would be like if she were pregnant. We threw around some names, and even found a couple we liked. 

Then the other day, she was actually far enough along in her cycle that she could take a pregnancy test. Coincidentally, it was also the same day I went in to have 67 tumors surgically removed from all over my body. 

By the time I came out of the anesthesia, she had taken the test and discovered that she is, in fact, pregnant. She told me about it first thing when I woke up. Here's how I reacted. 

If you're having trouble viewing this video, you can click here to watch it.

Even though we didn't have plans for another baby, God clearly did. And feeling confident that this is God's will for our family, we couldn't be more excited for who He is weaving together in Allison's tummy.

Okay, we're officially taking name suggestions. Boy names and girl names. Lay 'em on us in the comment section below. 


  1. I vote for whatever your wife wants... Just sayin

    1. That's not a bad idea. My wife always thinks of great things. I love you baby.

    2. I like the idea of a slightly unusual name, and I know you like that too, Allison. I also love the idea of Biblical names, although it would be good understand the Biblical history of how God used that person.

    3. Yeah, and equally as important as the biblical character is the meaning of the name. We're all over that one. Thanks Dad.

  2. A quick joke first:

    A pregnant woman gets into a car accident and goes into a coma.

    After nearly six months, she wakes up to find that she is no longer pregnant.

    Frantically, she asks the doctor about her baby.

    The doctor replies, "Ma'am, you had twins! A boy and a girl. The babies are fine. Your brother came in and named them, if you don't mind me saying he does seem a bit of a redneck!"

    The woman thinks to herself, "Oh no, not my brother!" Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?"

    "Denise," the doctor says.

    The new mother thinks, "Wow, that's not such a bad name! I like Denise!"

    Then she asks the doctor, "What's the boy's name?"

    The doctor replies, "DeNephew."---

    As for my suggestions, I am not that great at coming up with "people" names, the names I thought of would work for either a dog, like "Rocket" or "Thor", or a saved file, like "20140721-001.sav".

    Although I would suggest avoiding names with odd spellings like "Khriß" (Chris) or "Psamu-el" (Samuel) or "白鳥の息子" (????). I hate being told I misspelled someone's name because I heard "Emily" but her parents spell it "Emmaleigh". Granted, "Carl" can be spelled "Karl" (I respond to either pronunciation) and my sister's name has at least 8 different spellings (from "Caitlin" to "Katelyn") not counting any double consonants or silent vowels tacked on the end. Just trying to make things a little easier for your child and anyone who has to work with them.

    1. I like that joke. And I'm glad you said that because up until now we had K8lin in the mix for a girl's name.

  3. I've always loved the idea of generational names....names that have been in the family FOREVER. We have several on both sides of our family...tons of Michaels and Roberts (Mike's brother), lots of Andrews (both sides), old world names from the family in Poland like Stanislaw (Stanley or "Stash") and Walter. Heck, Catherine has two old names from both sides of our families. Catherine and Rose belong to well loved and respected aunts and great-great-grandmothers dating back centuries. Take a look through your family bibles for inspiration and memories of loved ones lost. It's a great way to remember someone that touched your life. If we ever had another (and at 47 I had better not!) I would want a boy named Andrew Frank after two very special men.

    1. I love the idea of honoring the heritage of our families. My middle name, Harold, is after my paternal grandfather, who served during WWII. Aside from honoring my Grandpa Harold, it's really cool to be named after a hardcore war vet. Thanks you.

  4. Natalie if the baby is a girl...

  5. Ooh, or we have some friends who named their daughter Anavah, which is Hebrew for "humility"

    1. Both those names rock. But I like Anavah a lot. That's a really good one, thanks.
