Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Question That Will Vanquish Your Stress Today

Is it fair to assume that you're at least a little stressed out today? I mean, your 'to do' list from yesterday likely has enough items to fill your day. And then there are those nagging tasks from last week that you're starting to try to ignore. You promised yourself you'd stop taking on extra little projects - just as soon as you're done with the ones you're committed to right now.  But you've promised that to yourself before, and your days somehow never get less busy.

Maybe you'll get better at saying 'no' tomorrow. It's certainly something to work toward. But in the mean time, here is the question that helps me let go of stress and even find great satisfaction in the middle of my busy chaotic life:

What if God has you exactly where He wants you, and today you'll accomplish exactly what you're supposed to?

If that were true, how would it impact your stress level today? I was first asked this question a long time ago. I wish I started my day with it more often. I certainly am today. And as I think about the stress of God's leaders from around the world, here is what I'm praying:
Lord, please give your leaders wisdom to navigate the stressful and overwhelming things that they will face today. Keep them mindful of the opportunity that exists within their struggles, and what you want to teach them. As they pursue you, please light up the next step you want them to take. And help us to move together to share your love with this world. Amen.

Photo courtesy of anieto2k at flickr.com 


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