Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Is it okay for a God fearing man to use lethal force to protect his family?

Guys, we inherently want to protect our families. Dying for them would be a no-brainer for the vast majority of us. We think about and many of us even prepare for the event where we have to stand up for them. But when it comes to God fearing men, is it okay to use lethal force to protect the lives of those we love and lead?

Photo courtesy of Michael Newhouse at Flickr.com
Legally, at least where I live, a man is well within his rights to use lethal force if he feels like himself his family is in immediate danger. But if it's his priority to honor God with his life, can he use his legal right. And if not, then what should he do instead?

3 Types of Men
When you're talking about facing violent and dangerous people, there are only ever three options. You can stand and fight, you can turn and run, or you can do nothing. And there are Christians who would would defend each of those positions.

Some would defend the 'do nothing' position. The idea being that if someone broke into their house with the intent to harm their family, they would let him. These men rely heavily on their faith that God will direct every step of their lives. To them, if someone breaks into their house, then it is within God's will. Violence of any kind is a sin, and a guy who defends this view might argue that he doesn't have the moral authority to make a decision to use lethal force.

Then there are the 'turn and run' men. There are a lot fewer of these guys. Most men don't even have a plan to evacuate their family from their home in the case of a fire, let alone how they'd get everyone out of the house if there was an intruder or if they got mugged. So we won't even spend time on this type of guy. He's a rare one.

Finally, you have the 'stand and fight guy'. He is ready to do whatever he has to in order to protect the people who he is responsible for. If he's wise, he's well versed in the difference between lethal and non-lethal force, and he understands the time and place to use each. He may even practice a type of hand to hand combat just to be safe. And he is always preparing himself for a danger that he prays he will never face.

But that still doesn't resolve the moral and spiritual implications of using deadly force for protection. Just because there are people with different views doesn't mean that there isn't a right and wrong answer.

So what does the Bible say?
Unfortunately, a lot of Christians have manipulated the Bible to make it look like God supports their view on self defense.

Some of the 'do nothing' people will ignorantly point to God's commandment not to kill (Exodus 20:13), without thinking about the fact that the same God said there's a time and place for everything, and also commanded his people to wage war against a myriad of enemies.

At the same time, some of the 'stand and fight' people are even further off the reservation, taking the Bible way out of context to make their points. In researching for this post, I came across a site that points to Psalms 82:4 as support for the use of lethal force. While killing a wicked man is certainly one way to deliver people out of his hands, I think most of us in the 21st century are ready to admit that there are other things that we should try first.

The truth is, the Bible doesn't clearly state it one way or another. For that reason there will continue to be multiple views on issues like this one. A God fearing man can argue that any one is right. But the truth is, for the Christian, the only right stance is the one argued out of a desire to honor and glorify God.

My two cents.
Personally, I am of the mind that I would be willing to both kill and be killed to protect my family. I trust God to protect my wife and kids, and I believe he created me, in part, for that purpose.

I pray that the day never comes where I have to use any level of violence to protect them, but if it does I want to be prepared to do my job. I believe this is the best way for me to be an honorable husband, father, and follower of Jesus.

But I'm really curious to know about you. What's your take? If you were forced to choose, would you use lethal force to protect the people you love? Please leave your answer in the comment section below. Thanks for reading!



  1. Here's what I think. I would use lethal force against an intruder, someone who was breaking the law in some way that endangered me or my family. What if someone was using the law to get to my family (such as being persecuted by an anti Christian state) I would submit, as Paul says to submit to governing authorities. As a Christian, you can't pull a gun on the law, not even if it is wicked, twisted, and destructive.

  2. That's a great point. It's easy as a Christian to point to what the law permits, and then curse the law for what it denies us. And you're absolutely right, we're called to submit and there's no way around it.

  3. Exodus 22:2 says: “If the thief is caught while breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there will be no bloodguiltiness on his account."

    While this does not say one should use lethal force to protect their property, it also says that there is no guilt on your part if you kill the intruder in the process. I believe that this also sets a precedent for other forms of self defense in which lethal force maybe necessary. If you bring in what I learned in my CCW class, that one is not shooting with intent to kill but to stop the attack.

    1. Excellent verse man. I actually wasn't acquainted with that one. And you're point about stopping the attack is essential. Thanks for commenting Carl.

  4. In my case, the truth is that I don't know what I would do under any number of circumstances that might be presented. If an ISIS guy dressed in black from head to foot showed up at the door and said "Hi. I'm here to cut your head off.", the intruder's intent is clear. But if I somehow succeed in killing him, I rob him forever of any opportunity to know the Lord as his Savior. If someone shows up with a gun and says "Hi. I'm here to take all your stuff, and I'll shoot you if I have to.", I would take the turn and run approach, taking my wife with me. I HOPE that I would not consciously choose to end someone's life. But when the adrenalin is rushing and the threat is right there, only then will I know what I would actually do.
