Thursday, December 18, 2014

I'm beginning to worry that my wife knows what she's talking about

My wife is the most brilliant and spectacular woman I've ever met. But every time she gives me her opinion or advice, something goes off in my brain that says, "Nope! Nope, that can't possibly be right." And then I look stupid when she was right and I didn't listen.

This photo was shot by my friend Mik Sivak. He's a rock-star photographer whom I highly recommend.
I always hear older guys say they've learned to listen to their wives. And I just assumed those guys had given up after decades of being emasculated by marriage. But things keep happening that make me wonder if I'm wrong.

I've been married for about 4 years, and I've discovered that marriage isn't emasculating at all. In fact, I often feel quite empowered by my wife. But I have also not ceased to be amazed at how much of the time Allison is right. In fact, the only time I really feel my masculinity is threatened is when I look stupid because I tried to prove my wife wrong and failed.

Just before I wrote this, her and I were talking about the blog. I was complaining because traffic had slightly decreased from last month. She said, "Honey, it's the holidays. People are busy. I'm sure things will pick up again after New Years."

I shook my head and said, "Nope. No that can't possibly be right. I must be doing something wrong."

She sat up, and got right in my face, "I've been right about every single #%^%$#$ thing I've told you about your blog! Do I need to call one of your guy friends and have him say it? Will you hear it then?" And she has a point. every time she gives me a piece of advice about any area of my writing, she's right.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm suddenly going to start listening to her all the time, because then I'd be a liar. But I'm starting to think that all those guys who learned to listen to their wives might be on to something.

Who is the most influential woman in your life, and why? And it's totally cool if it's your mom, sister or wife. Add your answer in the comment section below. You can also join the conversation that's already going on when you 'like' me on Facebook. Thanks for reading.
